Procceding ESTIC en-US Procceding ESTIC EstiC 2018 It is a great honor to have you all to attend to the 4th<br /> Engineering Science <br />and Technology International Conference (ESTIC 2018). The conference <br />was initiated on 2011 and 2013 by the Faculty of Industrial Technology of <br />Bung Hatta University under the modest name of National Conference of <br />Science and Technology (Resatek). The conference then expands and <br />changes its name into the 3rd<br /> Engineering Science and Technology <br />International Conference on 2016 (ESTIC 2016). The conference adopted <br />the present name and expanded its scope to international. <br /> <br />The theme for this conference is “Applied Technology for Sustainable <br />Development “. Applied engineering was progressing rapidly and enables <br />us to reveal and comprehend how this universe works. I believe that this <br />theme has challenges for all engineers how to develop of sustainable <br />industry process and energy, innovative material, conceptual and process <br />design. However, the aim of the research is how to create the better life for <br />the future without neglect the negative impact due to the actives incurred. <br /> <br />Finally, I extend my gratitude as we open this conference. I would like to <br />thank you to the member of committee, who has worked very hard to run <br />the conference. I would like to express our gratitude to keynote speakers <br />and invited speakers for active participant in this conference. I also thank <br />you to our participants to present and share the experiences with other <br />colleague in the same field, and hope the communication among us can Khairudin M.Si Copyright (c) 2018-09-01 2018-09-01 1 1