IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN MASJID PADA SATUAN PENDIDIKAN DASAR DAN MENENGAH Suatu Alternatif Peningkatan Tata Kelola dan Pencitraan Publik Pendidikan


  • Muhammad Sahnan



Management is essentially a process, planning, organizing, implementing, directing, and controlling the efforts of organization members and utilizing the entire organizations resource in order to achieve goals that have been set. Transparancy the financial management of the school both in primary and middle education an issue of wealth creations to the school. Based on the transparancy in the field is very strong fact that schools are still difficulties do it away the financial flows that are not clear, bringing a number of questions relating to the constructions of the school infrastructure is not growing, and tools education incomplete. Based on faced by the principal is a compleks problem. These problems arise because of school affairs with various stakeholders namely studens of the school board of educations committee of parents, teachers, educations workers and the surrounding communities and local government industry and universities as the parties have different desires and expectations of each other. Besides school has sufficient contrast ferias the school has qualified teachers with adequate amounts, complete facilities, parental support and high society. While other schools the school condition otherwise. A variety of these problems does not mean the school foster (surrender) to the problem but it should be considered and developed a range of tips in the manage a school and empower stakeholders with implementation school management in order to improve mosque and creations of public schools so that all activities are supported by all stakehorlders. In applying the mosque management level primary and scondary education and the strategy goes a step by step procedure and principles, so that the mosque management can be implemented properly so that materialize the creation of transparancy and public participatation.


Key Words: the mosque, primary education, secondary education, public image.






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