By : Ira Ameliza Putri
Advisor : Dr. Irwan Muslim, S.E., M.P.1
Nurul Huda, S.E., M.Si.2
Economic growth is a process of changing the economic conditions of a region in a sustainable way to a better state for a certain period. The planned economic growth in the effort to achieve the goals and objectives to improve the welfare and prosperity of the community which involves all existing activities through community support in various sectors. One of the successes of economic development can be seen from the side of economic growth. Economic growth is an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross National Product (GNP).
This study aims to determine the leading sectors in Padang Pariaman District. The data used in this study is secondary data from 2010-2016 published by Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Padang Regency and primary data from questionnaire distribution. Method of analysis used is Location Quotient Analysis (LQ), Shift Share Analysis and Analysis SWOT.
The result of LQ analysis found that there are four basic sectors in Padang Pariaman Regency namely Mining and Quarrying Sector, Processing Industry, Transportation and Warehousing, and Education Service Sector. Based on the Shift Share analysis, for Regional Growth in Padang Pariaman District, the main sector experienced slow regional growth. The Proportional Growth Value of Padang Pariaman Regency in all sectors is a non-developed sector while the Proportional Share of Region in Padang Pariaman Regency where the whole sector is a competitive sector.
For the SWOT analysis strategy, the leading sector policies that need to be taken are improving the regional economy, improving facilities and infrastructure, developing the tourism sector, the authority to optimize the potential of the region and improve the economic competitiveness.
Keyword : PDRB, Location Qoutient (LQ), Shift Share, SWOT