
  • Iqbal Putra Auzea
  • Alvis Rozani
  • evi susantitasri


By                   : Iqbal Putra Auzea

Advisor I         : Dr. Alvis Rozani SE.MS.i

Addvisor II     :Dr. Evi Susanti Tasri SE.MS.i

The Revenue Revenue (PAD) in local government revenue throughout Indonesia is relatively small to be able to finance regional development. Meanwhile, according to the principle of regional autonomy the administration of government and regional development will gradually be delegated to the region.With the increasing authority of the central government given to local governments, the role of local government finances will be increasingly important as regions are required to be more active in mobilizing their own funds (Bachtiar, 1992).

 Therefore, local governments are required to optimize their revenues to increase their own PAD which will be used to finance regional expenditures or expenditures. Implementation of regional autonomy that is focused on the District and City area begins with the delivery of a number of authority (affairs) from the central government to the local government concerned

 The transfer of various authorities in the framework of decentralization must be accompanied by the delivery and transfer of financing. The most important source of financing is a source of financing known as PAD (Original Income) where the main component is revenue derived from the components of local taxes and levies.

Based on the results of multiple linear regression equations estimation with the discussion of the results of several tests conducted in this study it can be concluded From the results of this study conducted, it was found that the variable number of tourists has a positive relationship and a significant effect on the local income in the city of padang. From the results of this study conducted, it was found that the variable number of hotels has a positive relationship and significant effect on the local income in the city of padang.From the results of this study conducted, it was found that the GDP of the trade sector has a positive relationship and no significant effect on income original area in the city of padang.


Keywords: Local Revenue. Number of Travelers. Number of Hotels. GDP of the Trade Sector

