
  • muhammad rizqan
  • firdaus firdaus
  • Helmawati Helmawati


By                    : Muhamad Rizqan Ahlul Isra

Advisors        : Drs. Firdaus SY.MP

                     Helmawati SE.MS.i

West Sumatra is one of the provinces that has the potential of very high tourism in Indonesia, the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as cultural heritage. The abundance of natural resources can increase economic growth if the resources can be managed well in accordance with the wishes of the community, so that resources are not cost and time due to unable to manage a resource.

In this era, the field of tourism has a very strategic role in building the economy of a region. Tourism sector is one of the sources of local income, as well as land for the people who live in the vicinity of tourist attractions. In order for this sector to grow, the government should try to make a plan or policy in digging and developing attractions that have appeal to visitors.

 From the results of the analysis that the authors do that the development of Aia Angek Bukik Kili tourism has a very good level of comfort, this is shown with an average TCR of 94.4%. So that has a weight of 29 respondents chose a score of 4, as well as the location of a tourist attraction that is very easy to reach, different baths with other baths. Because the visitors who choose agree as many as 29 people with each choose a score of 4. This gets the level of achievement of respondents or TCR as much as 93%. Not only has the power and potential that exist, Aia Angek Bukik Kili tourist attraction also has a lot of weakness, such as the lack of promotions and events that can attract the attention of visitors. This causes the level of achievement of respondents strongly agree that this tourist attraction rarely do an interesting event. Therefore the strategy suggested yaiut WO strategy (weaknesses opportunities) is to minimize kelamahan to seize opportunities. Opportunities that we can get that this tourist attraction if developed then will increase the income of the community around the tourist attraction. Because as much as 92.4% in the level of achievement of respondents and has a weight of 34 with a score of 4 said that this tourist attraction can increase the level of income of the surrounding community.

 The biggest threat in the development of this tourist attraction is the existence of a similar tourist attraction, with this threat then visitors from other areas will choose the nearest tourist attraction from their home. From the research I did the level of achievement of respondents reached 94.8% with a weight of 33 and score 4. Which means very threatening if aia angek tourist object this kili kili has a competitor who is also a place of the same attraction.

The development of Aia Angek Bukik Kili tourism object has a considerable opportunity, if we use SWOT analysis in developing this tourism object. The results that the author took with using SWOT analysis, which became the biggest threat that can be experienced by this tourist attraction is a threat from a similar tourist attraction that is not too far from the bath Aia Angek Bukik Kili.


Keywords: Economic Growth, Natural Resource Management, Tourism Sector.

