Pengaruh Faktor Psikologis Terhadap Keputusan Perpindahan Merek dari Blackberry Menuju Android pada Kalangan Mahasiswa di Kota Padang


  • Sapta Nando
  • Yuhelmi Yuhelmi
  • Lindawati Lindawati


This Research aims to obtain empirical evidence of the influence of psychological
factors as measured by the perceptions, trust and attitudes towards migration decisions from
the Blackberry to the Android brand. In this research, the sample is 80 students conducting
lectures in Padang city. The sampling process is done by using accidental sampling method.
The type of Data that used in this study is the Primary Data. Searching Process of primary
data conducted by distributing the questionnaires. In this research model, the research variable
that used can be grouped into two. The First variable is independent variable that consists of
trust and attitudes, while the second variable is dependent variable that is brand migration
decisions. The analytical method used to prove the truth of the hypothesis is done by using a
multiple regression model analysis. Based on the results of hypothesis testing it found that
perceptions significantly influence the decisions of the use of the Blackberry brand switching
towards Android in among the students in Padang city. The results of hypothesis testing also
showed that trust and attitudes are not individually significant effect on the decision to move
from Blackberry to the Android brand among students in Padang.
Keywords : Perception, Trust, Attitudes towards,Migration Decisions

