Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Brand Switching Pada Pengguna Sim Card Telkomsel Ke Three Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Bung Hatta Padang


  • Andrey Satya Utama
  • Irda Irda
  • Ice Kamela


This research was conducted to obtain empirical evidence about the factors that affect the Brand Switching, which in size with product attributes, prices, promotions and product availability to Brand Switching. In this study the sample is 102 students who undertake activities lectures at the Faculty of Economics, University of Bung Hatta. To get a precise and accurate sample of the used method of field survey. On the research methods of work directly contributes to getting qualified respondents sampling. Data and information search process conducted by disseminating a questionnaire research. In this research model variable that is in use can be regrouped into two. The first variable is independent of product attributes, prices, promotions and product availability. And the dependent variable is brand switching. Methods of analysis used to prove the truth of the hypothesis done using analysis of multiple regression models. Based on the results of hypothesis testing product attributes, prices, promotions and product availability influence significantly to Brand Switching on Telkomsel to Three. The results of this research also shows that the variable price which has dominant influence on the behaviour of the Switching of Brand users sim card Telkomsel to Three.
Keyword: product attributes, prices, promotions, product availability, brand switching

