Pengaruh Brand Trust Dan Brand Equity Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Menggunakan Simcard Pra Bayar Simpati Pede Di Kota Padang


  • Dodi Hendra
  • Irda Irda
  • Dahliana Kamener


This research aims to prove the existence of the influence of brand equity and brand
trus against consumer loyalty using pre-paid simcard Simpati Pede in Padang city. In this
study the model sample was 100 customers who have been using simcard Sympathy Pede.
Sampling is done using a purposive sampling method. The data type of the primary data used
was obtained through the dissemination of the questionnaire. In this study used two categories
of variables. The dependent variable is the first loyalty of consumers, while the second was
the independent variable that consists of brand trust and brand equity. To perform hypothesis
testing used a linear regression model analysis of multiple t-tests and statistics. Based on the
results of hypothesis testing has been done found that brand trust and brand equity
individually influence significantly to consumer loyalty using simcard Sympathy Pede in
Padang city.
Keywords Trust Brand, Brand Equity and Customer Loyalty.

