Pengaruh Sikap Terhadap Merek, Asosiasi Merek Dan Persepsi Kualitas Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Sepeda Motor Merek Kawasaki Ninja 250 Cc Di Kota Padang


  • Desi Fitriani
  • Nelmida Nelmida
  • Zeshasina Rosha


The research have purpose to emperical improved influences brand attitude, brand association, perceived quality to consumer decision. The research have using 80 people, that choice with purposive sampling. Resource of the data is primary data. The collecting of the data for execution with questioner. The research have used two importand variable. The first variable is dependen variable that consumer decision, the second variabel is independent. The variable consist of brand attitude, brand association and brand perceived. The test of the purpose of the research have been doing with multiple regression analisys. The result of the test founding brand attitude, brand association and brand perceived have individual significant on the coumser decision.


Keyword         Brand Attitude, Brand Association, Brand Perceived and Consumer Decision

