This research is motivated by the fluctuation of exchange rate developments Indonesia every year. The purpose of this research is for analyzing the effect of inflation, the deposit interest rate, money supply and economic crisis in 1998 against exchange rate Indonesia. The research using dummy variables, namely the economic crisis in 1998. The data used in this research is obtained through library research are sourced from some of the literature, journals, and books relating to this research, well as obtained through field research sourced from some institutions that provide the data for this research such as BPS and BI. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of simultaneous test (F test), indicating inflation, the deposit interest rate, money supply, and the 1998 economic crisis affects simultaneously against Indonesian exchange rate. While the results of the partial test (t-test) indicates that inflation, money supply, and the economic crisis significantly influence the exchange rate of Indonesia, while the deposit rate is partially not significant effect on the rate of exchange Indonesia.
Keywords : Exchange Rate, Inflation, Interest Rate, Money Supply, and Economi Crisis.