Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Perimbangan Terhadap Belanja Modal Pada Pemerintah Kota/Kab di Propinsi Sumatera Barat


  • Yeni Guspita
  • Dwi Fitri Puspa
  • Resti Yulistia


The purpose of this study was to demonstrate empirically the influence of economic growth, Original Regional Revenue, the general allocation fund, a special allocation of funds, and funds for the results of the capital expenditure. The data used were obtained from reports Actual Budget (budget) by using a sample of 19 districts / municipalities in the province of West Sumatra from 2009-2012. The sampling method using census sampling where all population sampled. Analysis of data using multiple linear analysis.

The results of this study prove that economic growth and a special allocation fund effect on capital expenditures, while the influence original regional revenue, the general allocation fund, and revenue sharing does not effect on capital expenditure.


Keywords  :  Economic Growth, Original Regional Revenue, The General  Allocation Fund, A Special Allocation Fund, Revenue-Sharing, Capital Expenditures.

