Analisis Faktor Faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Kemiskinan di Sumatera Barat


  • Mely Yudianti
  • Erni Febrina Harahap
  • Firdaus Sy


This study aims to improved determine of factors that affect poverty in West Sumatra. The research object is the whole area of the district and town in West Sumatra. Data used in this research is secondary data obtained from bps, and her other instutions . Observation period of data used was from 2008 - 2013. In this study, the dependent variable is poverty, while being independent variable are the number of population, Product domestic regional bruto, education and unemployment. To perform hypothesis testing is carried out using panel regression models and statistical t-test. Based on the results of hypothesis testing found that the number of population, gross regional domestic product and unemployment significantly influence the level of poverty in West Sumatra, while in the stage of hypothesis testing also found that the level of education has no significant effect on poverty in West Sumatra.
Kata Kunci Jumlah Penduduk, Produk Domestic Regional Bruto, Pendidikan dan Pengangguran

