PRAKTEK CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DAN RESIKO BISNIS TERHADAP STRUKTUR MODAL (Studi empiris pada Industri Properti dan Real estate yang listing di BEI periode 2010-2013)
The aims of this study was to obtain emperical evidance of the influence of corporate governance practices and business risk on capital structure property and real estate companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. The population in this research is property and real estate companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange for period 2010-2013. Sample chose used purposive sampling method. This total sample as many as 40 companies. Data obtained from the annual report of property and real estate companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange for period 2010-2013. Hypotesis tested by a multiple regresion models. Regression analysis was dose using SPSS 16.0. The result showed that the corporate governance practices represented a variable board composition and board meeting contributes negatif significantly to capital structure. While the other two variables, namely audit comitte and business risk is not significan impact on the capital structure.
Keywords : Capital structure, corporate governance practices, business risk, and listed property and real estate companies