Pengaruh Pajak Daerah , Retribusi Daerah , PendapatanLain-Lain Daerah Yang Sah Dan Otonomi Daerah Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Di Provinsi Sumatera Barat


  • Nora Marsaulina
  • Alvis Rozani
  • Kasman Karimi


Contribution of local taxes, Retribution area, other areas of legitimate income Genuine very important in supporting the improvement of PAD in the province of West Sumatra . With the implementation of regional autonomy it provides an opportunity for local governments of West Sumatra province to explore the wealth that comes from the PAD area. Because if PAD is increasing every year, the regional development in the province of West Sumatra will be implemented properly and to support regional purposes. Therefore, researchers wanted to test the effect of taxes Regions, areas Retribution and other earnings of area genuiness valid against earnings of area genuiness in the province of West Sumatra. Analysis of the data used for this study using multiple linear regression analysis method. Hypothesis testing using partial test (t test), simultaneous test (F test) and test the coefficient of determination (R). Classical Assumption Test with normality test, Test Multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. The data used in this research is data Local Taxes, Retribution area, Other legitimate regional revenue, Autonomous Region (Dummy variables) and the Local Revenue in the province of West Sumatra Based on the results of data processing, it can be seen that the regression model no irregularities in the classical assumption test. From the test results not explain that tax revenue, levies and other legitimate source revenues significantly influence revenue generating provinces of West Sumatra, while the autonomous regions (variable Dummy) not significant effect on PAD West Sumatra Province. Keywords: Local Taxes, Retribution Area, Other Legitimate Local Revenue, Local Revenue (PAD).

