ANALISIS PENGARUH STRUKTUR MODAL TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS (Pada Perusahaan Sub-Sektor Telekomunikasi Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Periode 2007- 2013)


  • Fajri Mayanti
  • Yuhelmi Yuhelmi
  • Surya Dharma


This research aim to to know influence of capital structure to profitability at company
of telecommunications sub-sektor which enlist in Bura Effect Indonesia period 2007 until
2013. Free variable which used by measured capital structure with DER, DAR, LTDER and
of LTDAR and variable tied of is measured profitability with Return On Equity (ROE).
Technique intake of sampel in this research Use census method, amounting to 8
perusahaan.Data in this research use data of sekunder, obtained of Indonesia capital market
directory / ICMD.
Analysis which is used in this research of doubled linear result of
examination find that variable of DER by parsial have an effect on positive and signifikan,
DAR have an effect on and negativity of signifikan to profitability (ROE) while variable of
LTDER and of LTDAR by parsial do not have an effect on and signifikan to profitability
Keywords: Capital Structure (DER,DAR,LTDER and LTDAR) profitability

