Analisis Komparatif Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif Berdasarkan Karakteristik Demografis (Studi Empiris Pada Produk Permen Fresh Mentol di Foodmart Basko Grand Mall Padang).


  • Joni Iskandar
  • Ice Kamela
  • Zeshasina Rosha


This study aimed to identify and analyze the impulsive buying decisions based on demographic characteristics as measured by gender, age, occupation, and income, the study carried out on fresh menthol candy products in the Basko Grand Mall Padang. This study used a sampling technique that was purposive sampling. The sample used one hundred respondents. The types of data used primary data through questionnaires. Data analysis method that used was descriptive analysis. The instrument data were data validity, reliability test, normality test. Hypothesis testing to determine and analyze the impulsive buying decisions based on demographic characteristics were measured by gender, age, occupation and income. The research proved that there was no significant differences impulsive buying trend as measured by gender, employment, and income, while being a significant difference in making impulsive purchases on fresh menthol candy products in Basko Grand Mall Padang was age. Suggestions from researcher to the Basko Grand Mall Padang to always innovate in developing the store atmosphere and in order to better understand the characteristics of various consumers to become the biggest super market in the city of Padang.
Keywords: Gender, Age, Occupation, Income, Impulsive

