PENGARUH DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIO, FIRM SIZE DAN EARNING PER SHARE TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Industri Dasar Dan Kimia Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2011-2014)


  • Reza Rezki Herlinda
  • Listiana Sri Mulatsih
  • Rika Desiyanti


The value of the company is an investor perception of companies that are often associated with stock prices. High stock prices make the company's value is also high. This study aims to investigate the influence Dividend Payout Ratio, Firm Size and Earning Per Share to corporate value are Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period of 2011. The independent variables used in this study is the Dividend Payout Ratio, Firm Size and Earning Per Share, while the dependent variable used is the value of the company. The sample used in this study were 10 companies using saturation sampling technique. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the Directorate of Indonesian capital market (ICMD). Analysis of the data used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis.
The results obtained from this study is the Dividend Payout Ratio does not affect the value of the Company, Firm Size does not affect the value of the company and Earning Per Share has no effect on the value of the company.
Keywords: Dividend Payout Ratio, Firm Size, Earning Per Share and Price to Book Value.

