Analisis Pengaruh Pemberian Kredit, Tingkat Suku Bunga Kredit dan Pendidikan Nasabah terhadap Pendapatan Nasabah PT. BPR Dharma Nagari di Kabupaten Dharmasraya


  • Ardian Ibrahim
  • Yuhelmi Yuhelmi
  • Mery Trianita


The study aimed to get empirical evidence of the influence of credit, loan interest rates and client education to income customers. In this study, the sample of 253 loan customers of PT BPR Dharma Nagari in the Dharmasraya district. In this study used two categories of variables. The first is the dependent variable is income loan customers. Two independent variables, namely the provision of credit, loan interest rates and client education. The process of hypothesis testing was done using a multiple regression model and t-statistics test. Based on the results of hypothesis testing found that lending significant effect on revenue from customers PT BPR Dharma Nagari in Dharmasraya distric, in the hypothesis testing also found that the rate of interest, and client education had no significant effect on the income customers of PT BPR Dharma Nagari in the Dharmasraya district.
Keyword: Lending , Loan Interest , Education and Income

