Pengaruh Pelatihan, dan Efektifitas Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Gaji Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada PDAM Cabang Solok Selatan


  • Resta Oktaviana
  • Akmal Akmal
  • Dahliana Kamener


Abstract This study aimed to get the empirical study of the influence training and worked effectiveness to the employees’ performance and through the salary as an intervening variable. This study was conducted to 70 employees PDAM South Solok Branch. There are three categories of variables. The first categories, is independent variables’ wich consisted of training and worked effectiveness. The second categories, the dependent variable consisted the performance of employees, and third categories, the intervening variable wich was salary. The method of research was decriptive analyzed,multiple linear regretion alalyze and the calculate by using SEM PLS. The hypothesis testing is done by using PLS (Partial Least Square). Based on the results was found that the training and worked effectiveness positive and significant effect on salary. The results of hypothesis testing also found that training significantly influence the employees performance, it showed that the training significantly affect on work performance, and the salary has significantly affect on employee performance. Keyword: Training, Work effectiveness, Employee Performance, Salary

