Pengaruh Kepribadian (The Big five personality) dan Stresss Kerja Terhadap Organizational citizenship behavior (Pada Karyawan Bank Nagari Cabang Utama Padang)


  • Mardianto Mardianto
  • Ice Kamela
  • Lindawati Lindawati


This study aims to improved empirically the effect of big five personality and work stress on organizational citizenship behavior. In this study used 53 permanent employees of Bank Nagari Padang Branch selected by using purposive sampling method. Data processing is done by using multiple regression analysis and t-test statistics. Based on the test results it can be concluded that the big five personality as measured by neuroticism, and angreebleness significant effect on the behavior of organizational citizenship behavior, whereas Extraversion, Openness to Experience, conscientioness and job stress did not significantly influence the behavior of organizational citizenship behavior in the Bank Nagari Padang Branch inviromental
Kata Kunci Neuroticism, Extraversion, Angreebleness, Openness to Experience, Conscientioness, Stres Kerja,

