Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasional Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pegawai Rumah Sakit Ibnu Sina Padang Panjang


  • Taufiq Akbar
  • Surya Dharma
  • Ice Kamela


The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of disributive fairness, procedural fairness, and interactional fairness on work satisfaction of the employee of Ibnu Sina Hospital Padang Panjang. The sample in this research is 40 hospital employee that selected randomly. The method in this research is multiple linier regression. The result of this research is that distributive fairness and procedural fairness has positive effect on work satisfaction of the employee of Ibnu Sina Hospital Padang Panjang. This reseach also found that interactional fairness do not has effect on work satisfaction of the employee of Ibnu Sina Hospital Padang Panjang.
Keywords: Disributive Fairness, Procedural Fairness, Interactional Fairness, Work Satisfaction.

