Hate speech is an act of communication carried out by an individual or group in the form of provocation, incitement, or insult that are all regulated in Article 27 paragraph (3) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions Jo Circular number: SE / 6 / X / 2015 as happened in Padang Pariaman City where a doctor has made hate speech through social media. Formulation of the problem. (1) What is the law enforcement by the Padang Pariaman Police investigator against the perpetrators of criminal acts of hate speech? (2) What are the constraints of Padang Pariaman Police investigators in law enforcement against perpetrators of criminal acts of hate speech? research uses sociological approaches and primary data sources and secondary data. Data collection techniques are interviews and document studies. Qualitative analysis data. Conclusions of the research results: (1) law enforcement by Padang Pariaman Police investigators against perpetrators of hate speech with 2 efforts namely preventive add investigators who have the ability to cyber crime, cooperation and coordination with the West Sumatra Regional Police and National Police Headquarters, and socialization. Repressive efforts are arrest, prosecution and detention. (2) the obstacles faced by Padang Pariaman Police investigators, namely inadequate devices, limited investigative capacity, difficulty in proving crime, incomplete cyber forensic laboratories.
Keywords: Law Enforcement, Investigator, Crime, Speech Hatred
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