Adat Minangkabau especially in Solok prohibited marriage one tribe. Against the perpetrator of one of the tribes, the marriage will be given custom sanctions. The issue will be examined adalah1) how one tribe that Marriage is prohibited in the indigenous town of Solok? 2) how does the application of sanctions against the marriage customs of a tribe for the people of Solok? Juridical sociological research methods. The data source is the primary data and secondary data. Engineering data collection with interviews and studies library. Data analysis with qualitative methods. Results of the study: 1) Marriage one tribe that is prohibited in the community's customary law in Solok is a marriage of one tribe, one ninikmamak, and there is blood relations (saparuik), sanction ka biliak dumped in and hanged ka tajang ripe banana, and marriage of one tribe, one ninikmamak, it does not have blood relations (not saparuik), sanction discarded all custom.2) Application of sanctions thrown in and digantuang biliak ka ka tajang ripe banana, that the perpetrators of the marriage of one of the tribes, banished from lifetime custom environments, but makers of marriage one tribe was given the stock to continue her life, and should not going home for good. The application of sanctions was dumped along indigenous-that is, to the question is no longer allowed to participate in the activities of custom, is not eligible to receive an heirloom treasure, are not allowed to bakubua in the land of pandan pakuburan his people, are not allowed to again wear the tribe his family, including his descendants.
Keywords: Ban, Mate, Chiefs
Daftar Pustaka
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