The year 1982Problems about protection of Islands for islands often discussed and discussed to maintain the sovereignty of the archipelago itself, where much happens violations committed by other parties and many crossovers the Islands. Thus it took the presence of the basic laws that govern. The problem is; 1) how is the legal protection of the small islands of international law? 2) how is the legal protection of the small islands of national law?. This research is a sociological research, the primary data and secondary data collection techniques data, interviews and documents and studies done by qualitative in this study were collected by researchers directly to the the interviewee. From the results it can be concluded that setting 1) is small island already real existence is set in the law of the Sea Convention III in 1982 which set in chapter IV of article 43 to Article 54 describes the small islands and sovereignty residing in the Island Nations already have legal certainty diranah international law, all the stuff about the marine who set about sea limit is set up, in this case makes the island nation with their small islands are already protected. 2) application of the law of the sea in 1982 in Indonesia already applied by the State Union of Republic of Indonesia regulated in Act No. 17 of 1985 year of the ratification law of the Sea 1982, III in Act No. 27 of the year 2007 On the management of the territory Coastal and small islands, law No. 6 of 1996 About the waters of Indonesia. Which form of protection from the Government of Indonesia who directly carried out by Indonesian Navy by means of patrolling in the area of the islands of Indonesia.
Keyword : Legal Protection, SmallsIsland, Sea Law, Indonesian Navy
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