
  • Wildanum Muqarrabin


The verdict is not done voluntarily by the losing party will be carried out with forced attempts by the courts with the help of a tool of the State. But in factthe real executable is not running smoothly so as to interfere with the execution and the court party in carrying out its work. Formulation of the problem 1) How execution of real (in the case of the Civil Code No. 14/Pdt. G/1991/PN.PRM) in Pariaman District Court? 2) what are the obstacles in the implementation of a real execution (in the case of the Civil Code No. 14/Pdt. G/1991/PN. PRM) in Pariaman District Court? 3) is an effort to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of a real execution (in the case of the Civil Code No. 14/Pdt. G/1991/PN. PRM) in Pariaman District Court? This research is the research of kualitaif with the juridical sociological approach. The data used in this research is the primary data and secondary data, techniques used are interviews and documents, the study of such research concluded, 1) real execution (in the case of the Civil Code No. 14/Pdt. G/1991/PN. PRM) in Pariaman District Court does not run smoothly due to the existence of resistance from respondent's execution, 2) Barriers in the implementation of a real execution (in the case of the Civil Code No. 14/Pdt. G/1991/PN. PRM) in Pariaman District Court namely, mass deployment of 3) attempts to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of a real execution (in the case of the Civil Code No. 14/Pdt. G/1991/PN. PRM) in Pariaman District Court i.e. Court parties coordinate with the parties and the court party coordinate with security (police).

Keywords: Execution, Cases, Court


Daftar Pustaka

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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan

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