To be able to leave their vehicles at the Jatimas PT. Dian Kencana is done by way of making the Covenant day care. Formulation of the problem 1) how did the practice of vehicle storage PT. Jatimas Dian Kencana?, 2) is the form of problems arising in the custody of the vehicle on a PT. Jatimas Dian Kencana?, 3) What efforts made PT. Jatimas Dian Kencana in resolve problems that arise in the care of the vehicle? This research uses the juridical sociological approach. Source data obtained from the primary data. The data were analyzed qualitatively i.e. data are grouped, processed and drawn conclusions. Results of the study 1) to deposit the vehicle deposit should be qualified voters that have been determined by the recipients of deposit, then the vehicle has been deposited will be the responsibility of the recipient of the deposit and in case of damage against the stuff that is deposited into the recipient's responsibility of deposit and damages the vehicle suffered a broken light borne by the recipient of the treasure and the vehicle suffered a broken weight borne by insurers. 2) the absence of a written agreement governing the rights and obligations of the parties, so that in the event of damage to the party giver of deposit is not a basis for demanding damages as well as an absence of standards to replace the losses. Indemnity insurance takes time and the process is quite long for penitip to get damages, as well as the existence of people who don't want to pay the cost of storage is 3) attempts are made, namely making the written agreement and make a form that helps the giver of treasure in the process of replacing losses through insurance.
Keywords: agreements, Custody, vehiclesReferences
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