Pengaturan Penggunaan Drone Sebagai Alat Tempur Militer Menurut Hukum Internasional Dan Implementasinya Di Indonesia
Drones are aircraft without the crew being controlled remotely. Drone is set out in article 8 of the Chicago Convention 1944. During the Viet Nam War, China showed photos of the aircraft without the crew of a fallen U.S. Viet Nam war Us air force response was simply "no comment ". Formulation of the problem 1) how setting as a tool of combat drones in the military aviation likened to an aircraft according to international law 2) legal Indonesia implementation how to set about the drone as a means of military combat in Indonesia. This type of normative legal research. The data source in the form of primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques document did a study and analysis of qualitative data. A summary of the results of the study 1) aircraft without the crew on the practice enabled by countries as the military aircraft that its use must be subject to and in accordance with the settings of the 1944 Chicago Convention article 3. Usage outside of the territorial boundaries of the region should get a special authorization from the country under Indonesia law implementation) 2 set of drone through the regulation of the Minister of transportation of INDONESIA No. 2015 year 90 about controlling aircraft without crew territory air space served Indonesia. However, the regulation has still not quite embody needs drones.
Keywords: settings, Drones, combat Tools, Implementation
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