PT Prudential life is a company engaged in insurance that provides services to insure one's life. In life insurance, the indefinite event is the death of the person whose soul is insured. If the uncertain event occurs, the heir will be given compensation. The problems are: 1) What are the reasons for refusing claims on PT Prudential Life Batusangkar Branch life insurance ?. 2) What are the efforts in resolving PT Prudential Life Batusangkar Branch's rejection of claims? This research is a sociological juridical research. Data sources used are primary data and secondary data. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. From the results of the study it can be concluded that: 1) Reasons for refusal of life insurance claims at PT Prudential Life are the insured hiding the illness he suffered when making an insurance agreement, incomplete claim documents meaning when he wants to submit a claim all documents must be complete without exception , commit an insurance crime to commit a lie that is intentionally held by the policy owner or his heir so that the insurance claim is paid. 2) Efforts are made if a claim is rejected, the customer can submit an application for claim cancellation to the insurance company and can request the return of the rummy.
Keywords: Rejection, Insurance, Prudential
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