ABSTRACTThe 1998 Rome Statute is an agreement to form the International Criminal Court (ICC) aimed at realizing universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms of humanity throughout the world. In International Law and International Human Rights Law, there are principles that must be upheld by one of these principles that has been violated by the ICC namely the Principle of Non-Discrimination. Problem formulation, (1) What is the form of discriminatory actions taken by the ICC against member countries? (2) What are the ICC's discriminatory actions against member states in accordance with the Rome Statute of 1998? The research method used in this study is the method of writing normative law. Data sources use secondary data, which consists of secondary legal materials, primary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. This data collection technique is with Study Documents then analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study 1) Forms of discriminatory actions carried out by the ICC namely Discriminatory Law and Racial Discrimination, in resolving their cases, there are differences in legal treatment between blacks and whites where the ICC is harder to crack down on crimes that occur in African states and ignore crime that happened in the Western state. 2) Discriminatory actions taken by the ICC against member states are not in accordance with the 1998 Rome Statute. Keywords: Discriminatory Actions, ICC, Rome StatuteReferences
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