Dissolution of mass organizations is a process, a way to dissolve an organization by the government which is deemed to have deviated from the provisions of the applicable law. What is regulated in Law Number 16 of 2017 concerning Community Organizations. Like the case of CSOs in the field of Religion, for example the case of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia is a Political Organization which considers its ideology as an Islamic ideology, in which the mass organization has violated the Pancasila and the ideology of the Nation, and the Mass Organization has been considered to add to the Islamic faith in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Problem Formulation 1). What are the Implications of Dissolving Community Organizations 2). What are the requirements that must be met according to the Laws and Regulations in the dissolution of Community Organizations in Indonesia. The method used in this study is normative legal research or library research refers to the legal norms contained in the legislation and court decisions and legal norms that exist in society by looking at synchronizing a rule with other rules hirearki. The results of the research obtained consist of 1) the impact of dissolution The occurrence of cleaning actions that discriminate and violate the right to associate and freedom of expression. 2) As a result of the dissolution of this mass organization is the loss of a basic guarantee for the freedom of the mass organization to carry out an activity, such as revocation of permits carried out by the Government so that the mass organization is no longer active and the activities carried out by the mass organization are no longer recognized by the government.
Keywords: Juridical, dissolution, community organization
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