
  • Putri Laily Husna OS Putri Laily Husna OS



Commerce one who happened in Padang townPadang in the year 2013 representing human doing an injustice which impinge Human right. Commerce of Human being which[is arranged in Cod Law Number 21 Year 2007 about Eradication of Commerce of Human being and Section 297 about doing an injustice to perpetrator of commerce of people. Problem formula is : 1) How effort of Polresta Padang in penanggulangan of doing an injustice commerce of people in Padang 2) What is resistances of Polresta just in overcoming to act commerce of people in Padang town?. Approach of research the used is approach of sosiologis. Source of data in the form of primary data and data of sekunder. Technique data collecting in this research is document study and interview. analysed data qualitative. Conclude result of research is 1) Effort of Polres Padang in penanggulangan of doing an injustice commerce of people in Padang is : on the happening of case commerce of people of Polresta Padang act quickly finish this problem, socializing the existence of  CodeLaw Protection of people, watching, searchin all pengorganisir, target of and its motivation [do/conduct] commerce of people 2) Resistances of Polresta Padang in overcoming to act commerce of people there is two factor 1) factor of Intern in the form of the limited human resource, facilities and basic facilities 2) factor of Ekstern in the form of lack of cooperationamongbetween police party side with society, protection of government officer enforcer of law, resistance of perpetrator of doing an injustice commerce of people. given sanction not yet given effect discourage to perpetrator, generally sanction given by police party side only having the character of run of the mill sanction of penaltyfine and prison. 

Keywords: Preventive, Doing An Injustice, Commerce of People.


Daftar Pustaka


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