“The campaign is a process of political communication carried out by pairs of Candidates for Regional Heads in gaining support. There are many violations that occur during the campaign indicate the ineffectiveness of the existing regulations. The Problems Formulation in this study are: 1). What is the implementation of the General Elections Commission Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning the Campaign for the Election of Regional Heads in Padang City? 2). What is the obstacle for the General Elections Commission in implementing the General Elections Commission Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning Regional Election Campaigns ?, 3). What efforts are made by the General Election commission in implementing the General Elections Commission Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning the Campaign for the Election of Regional Heads in Padang City? The research method that the writer used in writing this thesis is sociological legal research, called legal research that obtains data from primary data or data obtained directly from related parties through interviews. The results of the study are: 1). Implementation of General Election Commission Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning Campaign for Election of Regional Heads in Padang City. 2) The constraints faced by the General Election Commission in the implementation of the General Election Commission Regulation Number 4 in year of 2017 are due to the lack of awareness to carry out the campaign in an orderly and peaceful manner that caused fraud. 3). The efforts made by the General Election Commission in Implementing the General Election Commission's Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning Campaign for the Elections of Regional Heads: conducting socialization campaigned in an orderly and peaceful manner to the team of Candidates for the Mayor and Deputy Mayorâ€.
Keywords: Implementation, Campaign, General Elections Commission
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B. Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
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C. Artikel / Jurnal
Padang Kita, 2018, Kampanye Pilkada Padang, https://padangkita-com.cdb.ammproje, diakses jam 20.21 Selasa 09 Januari.