The criminal act proof through electronic media is regulated specifically in article 44 law No. 11 year 2008 concerning ITE (as amended by law No. 19 of 2016). The defendant RK threatened someone with the threat of violence through SMS, where the threat was addressed to his husband's wife. The problem in this study: 1. How is the evidence of violent threats through Short Message Service (SMS) addressed to the person on matter number 82/Pid. Sus/2016/PN.Sdr. 2. What is the judge's consideration of the criminal offence evidence of violent threats through Short Message Service (SMS) addressed to the person on article 82/Pid. Sus/2016/PN.Sdr. This study used the normative juridical approach. Data sources were secondary data covering primary, secondary and tertiary legal substances. Qualitative document collection, data and analysis techniques. Conclude: 1. The proof of criminal acts of violent threats through Short Message Service (SMS) addressed to the person in this case the judges found 3 legal facts based on the evidence that was in the trial. 2. The judges ' consideration of the criminal acts of violent evidence through Short Message Service (SMS) is addressed to the person in this case, on the proof-of-testimony tool in giving the information is not compatible so as not to give confidence against the judges.
Keyword: Pembuktian, ancaman kekerasan, SMS
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C. Sumber Lain
Kamaruddin, Kaisaruddin. 2017 “Ancaman Kekerasan Melalui SMS”,