Based on article 3 of Law number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking, that the main function of banks is as a collector and distributor of public funds. To support the government's program, Bank Nagari Solok Branch distributes consumer credit funds to civil servants, especially in the Solok Regency and Solok City government environments, where the Decree on Appointment of Civil Servants is a guarantee. The problems in research are 1). Implementation of Bank Credit Agreements With Guaranteed Civil Servants at Bank Nagari Solok Branch. ? 2). How / Process of Binding Civil Servants' Collateral Assurance in Credit Agreements and What Problems Are Found in the research method used in sociological juridical approaches. Data collection techniques using interviews with respondents. Data analysis techniques used in the study can be concluded that 1). The implementation of the bank credit starts from filling out the credit application form by the debtor candidate, followed by the bank conducting an examination in the field whether the debtor is a civil servant and examines the ability of the prospective debtor to repay his debt and ends with the disbursement of credit funds by the bank to the debtor at a ceiling of 60% of the ceiling net salary of employees according to the debtor class, and the form of the agreement is a deed brought with the cost of meeting the stamp duty and legalized by a notary.2). How is the implementation of the binding of SK guarantees and the problems encountered, namely the Nagari Bank, will also link itself to the Bank and so far the problems that arise in relation to credit agreements with SK guarantees of Civil Servants are always resolved in consultation with
Keywords: Credit, Guarantee, Agreement, Sk
A. Buku-buku
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B. Perundang-undangan
Kitab Undang-undang hukum perdata (KUHPerdata)
Undang-Undang nomor 10 tahun 1998 tentang perubahan nomor7 tahung 1992 tentang Perbankan
Undang-Undang nomor 42 tahun 1999 tentang Fidusia
C. Sumber lain
Mewawancarai bagian kredit umum Bank Nagari cabang Solok dengan bagian umum yang bernama Muthia vanesa pada tanggal 13 november 2018 jam 14.00
Mewawancarai dengan informan pegawai negeri sipil jabatan guru sekolah menengah pertamana yang bernama Septian tika putri pada tanggal 10 november 2018 jam 13.00