Theft of an underwater fiber optic cable is a criminal offense that violates Article 38 of Law Number 36 Year 1999 concerning Telecommunications. On May 25, 2016 the Riau Islands Regional Police have arrested KM REVA-2 GT 15, which was led by Ajuwadin Bin LA Idirisa who sailed from the port of Kijang-Bintan to the sea to cut the submarine fiber optic cable without a Sail Agreement. Formulation of the problem. (1) How is the efforts of the Riau Islands Regional Water Police in combating criminal acts of stealing underwater fiber optic cables? (2) What are the obstacles faced by the Riau IslandsRegional Water Police in combating the crime of theftunderwater fiber opticcables?This type of research is sociological juridical, data sources are primary data and secondary data.Data collection techniques are interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion of research results:(1)The efforts made by theRiau Islands Water Police in eradicating the theft of underwater fiber opticcables namely:preventive efforts and repressive efforts. (2)The obstacles faced by the Riau Islands Water Police in eradicating the theft of underwater fiber optic cable in the form of internal and external factors. Internal constraints in the form:law enforcement, human resources, facilities and infrastructure. External constraints in the form: community factors and weather factors.
Keywords: Effort, Water Police, Theft, Fiber Optic Cable.
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PeraturanPerundang-undangan :
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Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 1999 tentang Telekomunikasi
Keputusan Kapolri Nomor Pol: Kep/53/x/2002 tanggal 17 Oktober Tahun 2002 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Satuan-Satuan Organisasi pada Tingkat Markas Besar Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia,
Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2008 tentang Pelayaran
PeraturanKepalaKepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2010
tentangSusunanOrganisasidan Tata KerjaPada Tingkat Kepolisian Daerah.
SumberLain :
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