Illegal medical practice is a criminal offence which is governed by Article 73 of law No. 29 of the year 2004 about the practice of medicine and criminal sanctions provided for in Article 77 and article in Act No. 78 of 29 Th 2004. In this case the defendant has deliberately used the proven RS tool, method, or the way in providing health services as if the question was a dentist who had a doctor's registration certificate. The outline of the research issues are:1)How did the criminal liability against perpetrators who provide health services as if the dentist? 2)How the consideration of judges in meting out the verdict against perpetrators who provide health services as if the dentist?This research used a doctrinalapproach.The data source was composed of secondary data, primary legal materials which include, secondary and tertiary. The secondary data were collected with the study document. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively.From the results it can be concluded that:(1) Criminal Liability by the defendant in this case is Article 73 paragraph (2) Jo Chapter 78 laws of Indonesia No. 29-year 2004 with criminal penalties of imprisonment for 2 (two) years 2 (two) months. (2) The consideration of judges in this ruling based on juridical considerations based on the factors in the trial and Act, and non juridical considerations i.e. things that relieve and incriminating things.
Keywords: criminal liability, health, doctorsdental
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B. Undang-undang
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Undang-undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan
Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 2052 Tahun 2011 tentang Ijin Praktik dan
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Putusan Perkara nomor 1180/Pid.Sus/2016/PN Pbr.