
  • Vina Putri Vina Putri A



The Indonesian Army (TNI) while carrying out their duties, they must comply with the regulations contained in the Military Criminal Code, Military Disciplinary Law and other Military Disciplinary Regulations. The Indonesian Army who do not carry out their duties within one to 30 days are called deserters, this is regulated in Article 87 of the Military Criminal Law Code. Padang Military Police I / 4 Detachment Investigators have conducted an investigation of J who conducted desertion from 10 December 2018 to 21 March 2019. Research questions of the problem are: (1) How is the investigation conducted by Padang Military Police I / 4 Detachment against members of the Indonesian Army who conducted desertion? (2) What are the obstacles encountered by the Padang I / 4 Military Police Detachment against members of the Indonesian Army who committed the crime of desertion? The type of the research used is sociological law. Data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques through interviews and document studies. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions of the study are: (1) The investigation of Padang Military Police Detachment I / 4 carried out as follows: Receive reports of complaints, make police reports, drop in submission of investigative investigation submissions (SP3), summons, arrests, temporary detention, requesting attendance lists from the unit , a complete report and bind the filing of the case file, a letter file for the case submission was submitted to the case surrender (Papera) officers and military prosecutors, if the case file did not meet the requirements of the case file, it would be returned to the Padang Military Police Detachment I / 4. (2) Lack of completeness of data, lack of legal awareness for members of the Indonesian  Army, the actions of uncooperative members.

Keywords: Investigation, Criminal act, The Indonesian Army, Deser



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