Aircraft is a very important mode of transformation for a country, especially for Indonesia because Indonesia's territory is so vast, of course flights through air transportation modes will make it easier for people who go into the country and abroad. But the data shows that this mode of transportation is not the main choice in Indonesia, of course there must be a factor that causes people not to choose this transportation, first is the high cost factor of the ticket and second is the safety factor that lately many aircraft have fallen.The problem that occurs in this case is the MCAS technology. This feature works automatically, even though the manual airplane (autopilot is off). The aim is noble, which is protecting peswat from dangerous maneuvers, such as pulling the nose too high, causing stalling.However, this automatic feature is unknown to BOING 737 MAX pilots, because it is not listed in the operating manual. Only after the anomalies and events of Lion Air JT 161, Boeing and Ethiopian Air ET 302 just explained this feature. The safety factor in the airplane has been regulated by ICAO ANNEX, of course it also needs to develop new technology from which I want to increase security on the plane, but of course definitely need to be addressed first from the aircraft supervision agency, even to the test by the band of government airlines where the aircraft is supplied with the new technology in operation, including in Indonesia. So there are stages that are passed by the technology to be tested properly .
Keywords: Aviation safety technology, aircraft, conventions Chicago 1944References
Daftar Pustaka
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Undang-undang penerbangan, Fokusmedia, Jl Melati Mekar No 2 Bandung
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Perjanjian Internasional dan Peraturan Perundang-undangan
Konvensi Chicago 1944
Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 1992 tentang penerbangan.
Undang-undang RI No. 1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan.
Sumber Lain
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