ABSTRACTSea is an area that is very important for a country where the sea also has a marine environment that must be protected and protected from the causes of the occurrence of pollution or damage to the environment by various threats that exist. For this reason, it is necessary to have an international and national regulation which includes all matters relating to the sea problem, in providing protection and preservation of the marine environment that can implement regulations in accordance with international provisions set out in UNCLOS 1982 and STOCKHOLM 1972 declaration. discussed in this paper is about the damage of coral reefs by MV Caledonia Sky in Raja Ampat according to international law which includes arrangements for the protection and preservation of the marine environment against damage caused according to international law and national law and legal safeguards against damage to coral reefs nationally , especially in Raja ampat due to being hit by the MV Caledonia Sky, to be able to protect the marine environment, especially the coral reefs. In discussing this problem, normative juridical research method is used which means the author will analyze the principles of law, legal mathematics, the level of existing legal synchronization to obtain information, relating to the protection and preservation of the marine environment contained in UNCLOS 1982 and STOCKHOLM 1972 and efforts legal protection against damage to coral reefs nationally, especially in Raja ampat due to being hit by the MV MV Caledonia Sky. Based on the research, the results show that there are already international regulations on the protection and preservation of the marine environment in avoiding the damage, where the international regulation is UNCLOS 1982 and STOCKHOLM 1972. However, national regulations have also been made namely Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management and Law No. 32 of 2014 concerning Marine. Based on existing arrangements, the application in practice is less used or not coercive and has strict consequences for handling the case.
Keywords: Sea, Marine Environment, Â Stockholm 1972.References
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B. Perundang-undangan dan Konvensi
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 37 Tahun
tentang Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia
STOCKHOLM Tahun 1972
UNCLOS III Tahun 1982
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia
No. 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia
No. 32 Tahun 2014 Tenta