The sea is a very important region for a country where the sea is one part of a country's sovereign territory and the sea can provide needs in the form of economic resources and transportation in a country. For this reason, an international regulation is needed, called UNCLOS 1982. In this case China still claims the southern China Sea based on its history, which claims and takes over the sovereignty of other countries around the South China Sea even though China claims there is no legal basis governing it. The problems discussed in this thesis are the claims of the South China Sea by the People's Republic of China in review of the 1982 UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on The Law of the Sea) which includes the position of the South China Sea according to UNCLOS 1982 and the settlement of disputes in the South China Sea between the People's Republic of China and the Philippines. In discussing this problem normative research methods are used which means the writer will analyze primary and secondary legal materials relating to the claims of the southern China Sea of the People's Republic of China in terms of UNCLOS (United Nations Convention On The Law Of The Sea) 1982. Based on the research, obtained the result that UNCLOS 1982 had set the issue of a country's sovereignty territory, namely the territorial territories of the marine waters including, territorial sea, EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), additional zones. However, in enforcing these international regulations, they are still lacking in compliance and implementation.
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