Food stockpiling is regulated in Article 107 Jo Article 29 of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade. On May 16, 2017 Riau Police Investigators conducted a raid on the rice stockpile in a suspect's basic food warehouse with the initials "K" in the central commercial warehousing area of Pekanbaru. Problem Formulation are: (1) What is the implementation of the Riau Regional Police investigation regarding the crime of food stockpiling? (2) What are the obstacles encountered by Riau Regional Police investigators in investigating the crime of food stockpiling ?. This type of research is socio legalresearch. The data source are primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques carried out by interviews and documentary studies,analysis data were qualitatively. Conclusions of the study: (1) Investigation of food stockpile crime, the investigation was carried out by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Riau Regional Police based on community reports followed by a search to the location while arresting the perpetrators with "K", the investigator also confiscated 500 tons of rice owned by the perpetrator, then the investigator conducts an examination of witnesses (2) Constraints encountered by investigators from the Riau Regional Police, namely: the difficulty of conducting an investigation due to the lack of human resources of the Riau Regional Police Directorate of Criminal Investigation in investigating the criminal act of food stockpiling, it is difficult to ask witnesses for information because the public does not know the prohibition on food stockpiling, and traders seem to cover each other up.
Keywords: implementation, Investigation, Hoarding, Food.
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