Notary as an official authorized to make an authentic deed. Notary in carrying out his position must be guided by normative norms to the rule of law relating to all actions that will be taken to be stated in the deed. The problems are: 1. What is the role of the MPD for retired notaries? 2. What is the position of the MPD towards retired Notaries. The method used in this study is Sociological Juridical. Dengfan interviewed someone who worked in the Legal and Human Rights Regional Office as a representative of the Padang City Notary Regional Supervisory Council and Notary Regional Supervisory Board Member in Padang City . 1. The role of the Notary Regional Supervisory Board of the retired notary is as mandated in the Law, namely overseeing the performance of a notary who has been retired for various reasons. 2. Position of the Notary Regional Supervisory Board for retired Notaries, namely a Notary who has entered retirement age, he must notify the Notary Regional Supervisory Council later and propose the name of the Notary who will become or hold the relevant Notary Protocol. Article 65 of the UUJN states that: "Notary, Notary Substitute and Temporary Notary Officer is responsible for any deed he makes even though the Notary Protocol has been submitted or is transferred to the depositor of the Notary Protocol.
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