In civil cases Nomor.32/Pdt.G/2013/ PN.PRM. defendant A, B, C and D proved to have committed an unlawful act, which causes harm to the claimant Hj. Sartini Rizal. The formulation of the problem in this research are: 1) How Proof of Torts in a civil case No.32/Pdt.G/2013/ PN.PRM in Pariaman District Court? 2) How consideration of the judge in deciding a civil case No. 32/Pdt.G /2013/PN.PRM. Pariaman District Court? The method used is a normative legal research, legal source materials used are secondary law. Mechanical collection of legal materials is the study of documents, analyzed through qualitative analysis. The conclusion of the study: 1) It has been proven that the defendant act is against the law in a way to take over land owned by the claimant by way of renting, which is classified as a defendant pebuatan violate the rights of others, the right to wealth. 2) Consideration of judges in deciding a civil case No.32/Pdt.G/2013/PN.PRM. The judge stated that the plaintiff is the heir or the biological child of her parents named Mimunah along with other siblings, said the object case is a legitimate portion of the object of the coconut fields and rumbio fields by a grandmother named plaintiffs Khasimah and sister Rajiah, said the defendant object mastery case an act against the law, punish the defendant to vacate the object of the case, and punish the defendants to pay court fees.
Keywords :Settlement, Dispute, Land
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