A dispute has been decided by the court then the decision is binding on the parties, but in this study the parties did not heed the decision, but made a new agreement. The issues raised in this study are 1) How is the implementation of the distribution of inheritance based on decision Number 409 / PDT.G / 2015 / PA.PRM? 2) What are the obstacles and efforts to overcome them in the implementation of the distribution of inheritance based on the decision Number 409 / PDT.G / 2015 / PA.PRM? This study uses a type of sociological juridical research (sociolegal research). The data is sourced from primary dataand secondary data, and then analyzed qualitatively. From the results of the study note that 1) In practice the distribution of inheritance by the parties is not done based on court decisions or Islamic law, but the distribution of inheritance is done based on the results of deliberations and consensus only. It aims to avoid losses both materially and immaterially. 2) Constraints in the implementation of the distribution of inheritance that is inheritance is difficult to be divided in accordance with the court's decision, because according to the court's decision must be auctioned first, but if an auction is carried out the parties will suffer losses. Then the effort to prevent these losses is done based on the agreement of the results of deliberations and consensus.
Keywords: Implementation, Treasure, Inheritance, Islam
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B. Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
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C. Sumber Lainnya
Fikri dan Wahidin, 2016, Konsepsi Hukum Waris Islam Dan Hukum Waris Adat. Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah Dan Hukum Volume 1, Mei 2016.