Agricultural insurance (AUTP) is an insurance program designed to provide protection to farmers for losses of agricultural products. In agricultural insurance, uncertain events are natural disasters, pest attacks, and pests. If an uncertain event occurs and causes a loss of ≥75%, the insured will be compensated by the insurer. The formulation of the problem is 1) How is the process of filing a claim for compensation for agricultural products that failed to harvest at PT. Jasindo Insurance 2) What are the obstacles in the implementation of the claim for compensation for agricultural products that failed to harvest at PT. Jasindo Insurance 3) How is the solution to overcome the obstacles in submitting a claim for compensation that was rejected. The research method used is a sociological juridical research method. The sources used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are interviews with semi-structured and analysis of results with qualitative methods. From the results of this study concluded that: 1) The process of filing a claim is done by reporting damage to PT. Jasindo Insurance 2) Farmers or farmer groups participating in agricultural insurance must have a TIN, accounts in their own name (3) Claims that are rejected cannot be processed because they do not comply with applicable regulations.
Keywords: Agricultural insurance, Process, Constraints, Solution
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