
  • Anggia Hilmi Anggian Hilmi M



ASEAN Economic Community is one of the pillars of ASEAN community, which is in the cooperation has enforced various kind of sectors that will profil able ASEAN’s country in various kind of comodity and kindness from ASEAN’s country who will be free to ente without high import tax cost. In implementation of ASEAN Economic Community there are 12 sectors that will be held in Indonesia, 3 superior sectors in West Sumatera is tourism sector, labour sector, and creative economy sector. Problem formulation : (1) How is the arrangement of ASEAN Economic Community? (2) How is the implementation of ASEAN Economic Community in West Sumatera and the impact generated?. In this research, writer using type of sociological legal research. Data souces used are primary data and secondary data. Data collections techniques carried out by interview and document study, the data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of study : (1) The rule of law that regulates the implementation ASEAN Economic Community is ASEAN Economic Community blueprint 2025, ASEAN Framework on equitable Economic Development, Presidential Instruction No 11 of 2011 concerning the Implementation od the ASEAN Economic Community’s Blueprint Commitment, Presidential Instruction No 6 of 2014 concerning the Enchacement National Competitivenes in order to facing the Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community. (2) The implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community in West Sumatera competes with 3 main sectors, which is in 3 sectors were realized 2 sectors namely the Toursim sector an the Labor sector. For one more sector, is Creative Economy still need needs government attention so that it can be run optimally and be don as expected and the purpose of ASEAN, and in the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community in West Sumatera has positive and negative impacts.

Keyword : Implementation, ASEAN Economic Community, West Sumatera


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