Fiduciary is a transfer based on trust, the transfer of fiduciary collateral objects by the debtor can occur without the knowledge of the creditor as in case Number. 65 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / PNPdg, LH is proven to violate Article 36 of the Fiduciary Guarantee Act which states "Giver of Fiduciary who transfers, mortgages, or rents out objects which are the object of Fiduciary Security as referred to in Article 23 paragraph (2) which is carried out without prior written approval from Fiduciary Recipients, sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 2 (two) years and a maximum fine of Rp.50,000,000.- (fifty million rupiah) ". So he was sentenced to prison for 10 months in prison. The formulation of the problem are: (1) How is the proof of the elements of the crime of transfer of fiduciary objects without the written consent of the fiduciary provider based on the decision of Number. 65 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / PNPdg? (2) How is the judge's judgment in imposing a criminal act against the transfer of fiduciary objects without the written consent of the fiduciary giver based on the decision of Number. 65 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / PNPdg ?. This type of research is a normative juridical approach. Data sources consist of primary, secondary, tertiary. data collection techniques through the study of documents and qualitative data analysis. Conclusions of the research result: (1) The act has fulfilled the elements contained in Article 36 of the Fiduciary Guarantee Act, because the LH is proven to be a criminal offense who has transferred the object of fiduciary security without the permission of PT. FIF (2) Judges consider judicial considerations and non-judicial considerations.
Keywords: Criminal, Fiduciary, Guarantee, Transfer
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