
  • Adani Wahyuni Siregar Adani Wahyuni Siregar


Based on the principle of governance in Indonesia, the code of conduct is also an important instrument as a reference in the implementation of the duties, functions, rights and authority of the DPRD in the administration of regional government. The code of conduct accommodates the overall procedures, procedures and mechanisms for carrying out the duties, functions and authorities of the DPRD. The problems are 1) How is the process of drafting regulations for the House of Representatives in the Province of West Sumatra 2) What are the obstacles faced in the drafting of the House of Representatives in the Province of West Sumatra 3) What efforts are made in dealing with obstacles in the preparation the rules of procedure for the House of Representatives in the Province of West Sumatra. The method used is sociological legal research based on primary data. The nature of this research is descriptive. Data collection techniques through interviews and data analysis using qualitative methods. The results of the study show that 1) The process of drafting the rules of the DPRD of West Sumatra Province was formed by the establishment of a deliberative body, special committee, honorary board, planning, drafting and conducting discussions by members of the DPRD 2) Constraints in the process of drafting an order for the existence of vacant seats at the meeting, communication that is not in line with other faction members and inequality perceptions of DPRD members 3) Efforts of the DPRD of West Sumatra Province by verifying attendance lists and writing to each faction, increasing cooperation between legislative, executive and judicial institutions, conducting orientation technical guidance and deepening tasks to improve DPRD performance.


Keywords: Regulations, Rules of Procedure, Regional Representative Council



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