
  • Al Hidayat Al Hidayat Faculty of Law, Bung Hatta University


Keywords : Implementation, Agreement, Financing.


Financing Companies carry out financing activities in the form of funds or capital goods. As was done by PT Nusa Surya Cipta Dana with the Customer. The problem formulations include: 1) How is the implementation of the financing agreement between the consumer finance company PT Nusa Surya Cipta Dana and Customer? 2) What are the obstacles faced in the implementation of the financing agreement between the consumer finance company PT Nusa Surya Cipta Dana with Customers? 3)What effortshas PT Nusa Surya Cipta Dana made in overcoming the obstacles that have occurred? This type of research is juridical research Sociology using primary data and secondary data, interview techniques and document studies and data analysis techniques are descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. From the results of the study it can be concluded that 1) The process of the financing agreement between the consumer finance company PT Nusa Surya Cipta Dana and the customer is carried out in several stages, namely: credit application, survey, credit analysis, document print, and validation process (credit disbursement). 2) The obstacles faced in implmenting the financing agreement between the consumer finance company PT Nusa Surya Cipta Dana in overcoming obstacles that occur, namely sending announcements through the mass media, and blocking STNK and BPKB. Keywords : Implementation, Agreement, Financing.


A. Buku-buku

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B. Peraturan Perundang-Undangan

Undang-undang Nomor 42 Tahun 1999 Tentang Jaminan Fidusia

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C. Sumber Lain

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