ANALISIS YURIDIS IMPOR LIMBAH PLASTIK DI NEGARA INDONESIA MENURUT KONVENSI BASEL TAHUN 1989(study kasus tentang Indonesia Impor limbah plastik dari negara Amerika Serikat)
Keywords: Imports, waste, plastics, basel conventionAbstract
The large amount of plastic waste that occurs in Indonesia, has a bad impact on the environmental ecosystem and its surroundings. To overcome the emergence of plastic waste imports, 187 countries took major steps to control waste management in the Basel Convention Amendment 1989. Exporting countries for this waste usually come from developed countries, one of which is the United States, because Indonesia is one of the destinations the United States of America in importer of its waste. Indonesia made regulations regarding the import of plastic waste in the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 61 of 1993. Problem formulations: 1) How is the regulation of plastic waste imports according to the Basel Convention 1989? 2) How is the implementation of the Basel Convention 1989 to prevent the import of plastic waste from the United States to Indonesia? The research approach used is a normative juridical approach. Secondary data sources consisting of secondary and primary legal materials. Technique data by means of library research (Library Research) and qualitative data analysis. Research conclusions: (1). Hazardous waste management must have requirements within the limits that are managed, this is in Article 4 paragraph (8) of the Basel Convention (2). Indonesia has implemented regulations regarding hazardous waste in law Number 23 of 1997 concerning the environment and Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 47 of 2005 concerning the ratification of the amendments to the Basel Convention concerning Control of Cross-Border Transfers of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.References
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